This one is very similar to a John Galliano campaign from a few years back. It's slightly geisha-ish and I really like the dark red lips and golden eyes. The messy hair works well and contrast well with the sharp lip liner on the model's face. The eye make-up reminds me of a morning after kind of look, tired and worn. Yet the eyebrows are very sharp and precise. This picture is full of contrasts and layers. It reminds me of something very classy, elegant yet drug induced for some reason. Maybe it is the "morning after" make-up that gives me that impression. It reminds me of victorian england in a strange way, very rich ladies, meant to look nice all the time, they become sick of their lives and what they've become.... if you get my drift. I like it.

This is one is so statue-esque and beautiful, it's almost too beautiful to be human. A creature from a different land, perfection at its best. Innocence and no sense of fear, shame or guilt.
"a gold Cocteau-esque punk" according to Interview Magazine.

These two are also very striking. The first one on the left reminds me of african tribes whilst the second one has a similar style to the first image. Just beautiful, beautiful creatures.
Some Sketchbook research I did last year on
bold make-up and Stephane Marais
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